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Sylvie Hampton


2002     MA Nursing Studies, University of Brighton.

1999     ENB 19 Leg ulcer course, Eastbourne Hospitals NHS Trust.

1996     BSc (Hons)  Nursing Studies, University of Brighton

1994     DpSN Nursing Studies, University of Brighton

1991     ENB 998 Teaching & Assessing, Eastbourne Hospitals NHS Trust.

1990     RGN, Eastbourne School of Nursing.

Sylvie has been involved with wound care for over 25 years, first as a Research and Tissue Viability Nurse (R&TV), in Eastbourne DGH where she reduced pressure ulcer prevalence from 15% to 2.4%, undertaking many clinical evaluations. After nearly five years she left in order to commence an independent tissue viability company (in 1999) with the long term vision of opening a centre of excellence in wound care, achieving the aims.


Sylvie became the founding member of Tissue Viability Consultancy, acting as two companies: Wound Healing Centres UK Ltd and Eastbourne Wound Healing Centres (a Social Enterprise). These two businesses are now owned by Healogics Wound Care Centres. Sylvie acted as MD and ran the clinical side of the Wound Healing Centre with a multidisciplinary team of 15. Leading the clinical team in developing and maintaining the company values, reputation and culture. The centre became known Internationally, and Doctors and Nurses came from around the world to observe their methods.


At the time of writing, Sylvie had written over 300 articles and posters, two books and many book chapters on wound care.


She has set up services in tissue viability in Hospital Trusts such as Newham Hospital, and PCT's (now CCG's). She also teaches and undertakes competency assessments for hospital Trusts and CCG's.


Sylvie has also worked with the Department of Health, reviewing Any Qualified Provider (AQP) in Venous Leg Ulcers. 


Now acting as an independent Tissue Viability Consultant Nurse, she runs GP clinics (privately – funded by product evaluations) and study days for Nurses and Health Care Assistants throughout the UK.


Sylvie also acts as an Expert Witness for the Courts, Coroners, NMC, and for Trusts having written in excess of 100 reports for Nurse Expert Witness


She is also available to speak at national and international conferences, study days in the UK and around the world, and at organised national tissue viability conferences. Her last lecture (at the time of writing) was at the Arab World Health Conference in Dubai in January 2016.


Sylvie also acts as a Consultant for the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation, producing documents, reports and educating the nursing staff and as a Consultant in Tissue Viability for CQC, carrying out inspections of nursing and care homes.


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