When dealing with any chronic wound, it is important to realise that the wound is not healing due to internal issues with blood supply being the biggest issue. Return the blood supply to the wound and then the dressings take on an importance. Without a good blood supply, the wound will not heal successfully, even with the most expensive and reactive dressings.
Dressings can be extremely useful when the nurse or client knows how the dressing will provide the optimum wound healing environment.
Key Points
1. Blood supply to the wound must be corrected if the wound is to heal successfully.
2. Dressings do not heal wounds but they do provide the optimal wound. healing environment.
3. Dressings will help with wound pain if appropriately selected.
Clinical infection is not the same as colonisation. The first is in the host making them feel ill and causing spreading redness around the wound.
The second is where bacteria sit in the wound causing bad odour and sometimes pain and increase fluid discharge.