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Sylvie has been involved with wound care for over twenty five years, more than twenty of them acting as a Tissue Viability Consultant, giving here continual experience in the prevention and treatment of wounds. 


Beginning as a Research and Tissue Viability Nurse in Eastbourne District General Hospital she was responsible for all wound care and pressure ulcer prevention in the Trust. She was also responsible for reducing pressure ulcer incidence from 15% to 2.4%.


Whilst at Eastbourne DGH, she arranged education for all staff within the hospital and community with study days and national conferences. Any money made from these activities was put into a fund to purchase pressure reducing mattresses and equipment. A report undertaken on the hospital in 1999 sited Tissue Viability and prevention of pressure ulcers as very high standard. Within this role, she also undertook many clinical evaluations.


After nearly five years she left the R&TV post in order to commence an independent wound healing company, with the long term vision of opening a centre of excellence in wound care. Sylvie was the founding member of Tissue Viability Consultancy. This company was taken over by, and is now known as, Pioneer Wound Healing Centres.


Never one to get bored, 8 years ago, Sylvie began Wound Care Consultants Ltd to continue in her speciality and give the correct treatment to those that require it.  This also involves educating nurses in wound care.  The AHA! moment, that moment a light bulb is turned on in the nurses' and HCA faces, remains a pleasure and an inspiration to Sylvie even after \n3qrly 30 years.


Also, after 30 years of learning about wound care, the pleasure that is received by patients and the nurse when a chronic, very long-standing wound, begins to heal has never diminished and Sylvie has healed wounds with a duration of up to 69 years without closure.  She maintains that it is not rocket science or 'green fingers' but the confidence that comes from treating many different wounds over many years and the continual research and updating that provides that confidence and knowledge.


Sylvie's role as Expert Witness is close to her heart as her knowledge increases with each case. It is also important as it highlights where issues need to be addressed in support of patients and residents in hospitals, community and nursing homes.  



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